Tacoma Neighborhood – Excelsior

Excelsior Neighborhood, Tacoma, WA

The Excelsior Neighborhood is a beautiful place to live. The homes are beautiful, and the people are friendly. 如果你想搬到塔科马或者只是好奇Excelsior社区是什么样的, then this blog post is for you! 在这篇文章中,我们将看看该地区的一些家庭和一些当地的企业. 我们还将讨论使Excelsior社区与众不同的一些景点!

Excelsior Neighborhood如此独特的一个原因是它的住宅种类繁多. 从小型的单户住宅到大型的多单元公寓综合体,应有尽有. 附近还有几座历史悠久的房屋,一定会给人留下深刻印象! If you’re looking for a beautiful place to call home, then the Excelsior Neighborhood is worth considering.

除了它的家园,Excelsior社区也是各种企业和景点的所在地. 塔科马公共图365买球平台馆有一个位于社区中心的Excelsior分馆. Excelsior Park is also a popular spot for locals, and it features a playground, basketball courts, and a walking path. 塔科马男孩女孩俱乐部是另一个受欢迎的目的地, 赞佩里尼球场(普吉特海湾泰坦大学的主场)也是如此。.


About Excelsior Neighborhood

Excelsior is an excellent neighborhood for families, 这里有几个公园和游乐场,还有独户住宅和公寓. 沿着Puyallup和波特兰大道的商业企业提供了大量的购物和餐饮选择. The population of Excelsior is diverse, 各行各业的人都把这个社区称为家.

This neighborhood is located in Tacoma, WA. The neighborhood is bounded by I-705 to the north, Puyallup Avenue to the east, Portland Avenue to the south, and McKinley Avenue to the west. Excelsior was annexed into the city of Tacoma in 1907.

Excelsior的一个伟大之处在于它的多样性. 你会发现老房子和新建筑的混合,以及来自各行各业的居民. 无论你是想找个地方养家糊口,还是想找个安静的地方叫家, Excelsior is worth considering.

除了优越的地理位置和多样化的人口, Excelsior还提供了大量的设施和景点. You’ll find a variety of restaurants, shops, and parks in the neighborhood, 也很容易到达塔科马市中心和城市的其他地方.

这个社区既有独栋住宅,也有公寓. 商业企业集中在Puyallup大道和波特兰大道. Excelsior has several parks, including McKinley Park, which features a playground, basketball courts, and a pond.


Facts About Excelsior Neighborhood

Excelsior社区位于华盛顿塔科马中部地区. 北边是分区大道,西面是705号州际公路,南亚基马大道. to the south, and Puyallup Ave. to the east. The neighborhood has a population of just over 11,它的面积只有一平方英里多一点.

Excelsior社区最初于1891年作为山顶城镇发展的一部分定居. “Excelsior”这个名字来源于拉丁语“永远向上”.“这个社区在20世纪70年代经历了一段时期的衰落,但从那以后又经历了重大的重建. 今天,它是一个充满活力和多样性的社区,具有强烈的社区精神.

Excelsior社区是几个著名地标的所在地,包括Puyallup大道. 大桥(华盛顿最长的混凝土拱桥), the historic Excelsior School building, and the newly-constructed Tacoma Boys and Girls Club. 几个公园也服务于附近,包括麦金利公园,李斯特公园,和赖特公园.

Excelsior社区是一个生活、工作和娱乐的好地方. 它为每个人都提供了一些东西,并为居民和企业提供了各种机会. 如果你正在塔科马寻找一个很棒的社区,Excelsior社区值得考虑.


Activities and Events in Excelsior Neighborhood

The Excelsior Neighborhood is located in Tacoma, WA, 并设有各种活动和事件的居民和游客享受. The area is home to several parks, including McKinley Park, which offers playgrounds, sports fields, a skatepark, and more.

Each year, the neighborhood also hosts several festivals, 比如每年九月的Excelsior家庭欢乐日. 这个活动包括食品供应商,现场音乐,儿童活动,和更多.

In addition to these events, Excelsior社区是几家企业和餐馆的所在地, including The Brickyard Pub & 餐厅,提供各种各样的食品和饮料的选择. 无论你是想在塔科马找点事做,还是想找个好地方吃饭, the Excelsior Neighborhood has something for everyone.

Excelsior街区另一个著名的节日是圣诞树点灯仪式 & Celebration in December. 这个活动的特点是颂歌,茶点,圣诞老人的出现,和更多.

居民和游客也可以在Excelsior附近找到很多餐馆和商店. 无论你是想找个地方吃饭还是购物, Excelsior社区可以为每个人提供一些东西.


Things to Do Near Excelsior Neighborhood

Lakewold Gardens Tacoma

-Lakewold Gardens: 湖沼花园是一座有着悠久历史的美丽花园,值得一游. Just be sure to bring your camera!

Mt Tahoma Trails Association

-Mount Tahoma Trails: 如果你正在寻找一个伟大的徒步旅行或散步,塔霍马山步道是完美的. 每个人都有很多不同的小径可供选择.

Tacoma Narrows Bridge

-The Tacoma Narrows Bridge: 这座桥是塔科马天际线的标志性组成部分,可以欣赏到普吉特海湾的美景. Be sure to check it out!

Point Defiance Zoo and Aquarium Tacoma

-Point Defiance Zoo and Aquarium: One of the most popular attractions in Tacoma, 迪法恩斯角动物园和水族馆是世界各地各种动物的家园.

Old Town Tacoma

-Old Town: 塔科马的历史区,老城区是一个伟大的地方,漫步和探索城市的过去. There are plenty of shops and restaurants here, too.

Chihuly Garden and Glass Tacoma

-Chihuly Garden and Glass Museum: 这个博物馆致力于玻璃艺术家Dale Chihuly的作品,值得艺术爱好者参观. It’s also one of Tacoma’s most popular attractions.

Museum of Glass Tacoma

-The Museum of Glass: Another famous Tacoma museum, 玻璃博物馆是各种玻璃艺术品和特别展品的所在地. It’s a great place to spend an afternoon.


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